The project's implementation will preferably occur in small private properties whithin the Lear's macaw habitat region where the Licuri Palm (Syagrus coronata) is naturally found. Therefore we are going to:
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Considering the necessary amount of Licuri Palms to keep a macaw alive for one year, the finantial resources from this program will be destined to the work together with the small property owners in order to preserve the number Licuri Palms required for the survival of the macaws.
Within the macaw's habitat there are places where cattle activities and deforestation are rapidaly advancing. In this program we aim to intruduce new preservation areas to protect the Licuri Palms forests and also the reproduction macaws destinations.
In this program we aim to instruct the local community, to create market appeling crafted products, from the nuts that where not for use of the macaws alimentation, promoting alternative rentable practices whith deep sustainable basis.
Contributing and changing the fate of Lear's Macaws